
Grow Together. 

Our students are not the church of tomorrow, but the church of today. We want to invest in them what God has invested in us so they grow into the followers God has called them to be. Whether it be through worship services or classes to outings, camps, and even mission trips, we look for ways to have them involved with growing the kingdom. 


Camp Forshee June 20 - 22!

This will be our 6th grade and below camp but we will  make room for anyone who wasn't able to attend the Crossings Camp this year! June 20th will start arriving to Camp at 4pm and have an evening to settle in. June 21st will be a full day of activities and we will finish up camp about noon on the 22nd.
We do ask that 2nd grade and below be accompanied by a parent/guardian - Talk with Grant if you have questions concerning this.
You can sign up under 'upcoming events' on the Halltown app or sign up sheet is in in the hallway upstairs at church.
If you'd like to volunteer and hang out see Grant for details! 

What to bring to Camp?

•Clothes that could get dirty.
•Water game clothes/towel.
•Items you may want to play with (like sports equipment).
•Dorm: Twin Sized Beds-sleeping bags and/or sheets, pillows.
•Bath: Towels/Rags, hygiene items.
•Medication needed.
•Snacks are optional, will have plenty of food.
•Phone/tablet is allowed but will be put away during the day for camp activities.
•Good Behavior.
•Flashlight (optional).
•Sunscreen/Bug spray will be provided.

2024 Graduates

Join us in congratulating and praying for these students!

Lillian Belle Williams 

Portland High School 
Parents: Daniel & Emily Williams
Pursue an English/Literature Degree and eventually become a writer. 

Caleb Dean Baird 

Portland High School 
Parents: Teddy & Jody Baird
Plans to attend North American Lineman School.

Claire Isabella Cole 

Portland High School 
Parents: Jody & Jennifer Cole, Dustin Cole
Plans to attend the University of TN of Chattanooga.

Brooklyn Danielle Farmer 

White House High School 
Parents: Moose & Nora Farmer
Plans to attend and cheer for Trevecca Nazarene University, majoring in political science. 

Nathaniel Aaron Peters 

Portland High School 
Parents: Larry & Crissy Peters
Plans to attend Volunteer State Community College to Major in Journalism. 

Joshua Luke Kelton 

White House High School 
Parents: Josh & Jenni Kelton
Plans to attend and play football for Austin Peay State University - majoring in accounting. 

Thomas Aaron Civils 

Completed high school education through homeschooling program
Parents: Nathan & Stacy Civils